We use only the freshest, carefully selected domestically produced ingredients. We thoroughly vet suppliers using this philosophy: a bad product is bad no matter how famous, and a good product is good regardless of its popularity. We can promise you that we have confidence in the quality of our ingredients and pride in the Yamadori brand. We encourage you to try it for yourselves. At our restaurant, each piece of chicken is grilled carefully over high grade charcoal.

Charcoal-grilled chicken
Negima(ねぎま)Thigh meat skewered with pieces of leek (Sauce/Salt)374yen
Momo(もも)Thigh Popular tender meat (Sauce/Salt)319yen
Ninnikumomo(にんにくもも焼き)Thigh meat skewered with pieces of grarlic429yen
Momonikushisomaki(もも肉しそ巻き)Thigh meat japaneses basil roll374yen
Tsukune(自家製つくね)Skewered meatballe made of minced chicken319yen
Ha-to(ハート)Chicken Heart (Sauce/Salt)275yen
Nakotsu Hiza(なんこつひざ)Chicken cartilage (knee)319yen
Nakotsu Yagen(なんこつやげん)chicken cartilage (yagen)385yen
Sasami(ささみ-わさび ゆず胡椒 明太子 梅しそ)White breast meat with wasabi or yuzu citrus hot pepper paste or spicy cool roe or plum perilla319yen
Tebasaki(手羽先)Chicken wing352yen
Kawa(かわ)Skin Grilled chicken skin (Sauce/Salt)330yen
Bonjiri(ぼんじり)Pope’s nose Meat of chicken tails (Sauce/Salt)330yen
Pizafuyakitori(ピザ風焼鳥)Pizza style yakitori748yen
Taikarefuyakitori(タイカレー風焼鳥)Thai curry style yakitori858yen

We also have less common parts of the chicken available for 319 yen. Inquire for details.

We work with only the best, carefully selected charcoal. Unlike cooking on a burner, cooking with charcoal allows our food to be deliciously baked with far- infrared rays.

Uzuratamago(うずら卵)Queil eggs297yen
Uzurabekon(うずらベーコン)Queil eggs with bacon352yen
Tomatobekon(とまとベーコン)Tomato with bacon352yen
Shishito(ししとう)Small green pepper275yen
Shironegi(白葱)Japaneses leek275yen
Yairoshiitake(八色しいたけ)Shiitake muchroom352yen

Yamadori uses only vegetables delivered freshly each day. We work with trusted suppliers from Senju and Tsukiji Market. According to the season, we adjust our seasonings and preparation style to maximize taste.

Mushidoritodaikonnosapparisarada(蒸し鶏と大根のさっぱりサラダ)Steamed chicken and radish salad858yen
Shiza-sarada(シーザーサラダ)Caesar salada1,078yen
Hiyashitomato(冷やしトマト)Chilled tomato649yen

Our head chef monitors Yamadori’s cooking carefully each day, making adjustments so that customers never tire of our menu. No change is too minor to spend time on. Our individual dishes are one of our points of pride. Please enjoy!

Hiuauakko(冷奴)Cold tofu495yen
Umesuisyo(梅水晶)Plum crystal583yen
Yamaimotanzaku(山芋短柵-明太子 梅肉和え)Yam stripe with mentaiko or plum sauce693yen
Torichasyu(鶏チャーシュー)Roasted chicken748yen
Iburigakochizu(いぶりがっこチーズ)Smoked cheese693yen
Tsukemono(お漬物盛合せ)Japanese pickles858yen
Jidorinomushidoriyuke(地鶏の蒸し鶏ユッケ)Steamed local chicken yukhoe748yen
Eihirenoaburi(エイヒレの炙り)Broiled stingray fin858yen
Butashabuwasabi(豚しゃぶわさび)Japanese hot pot with wasabi1,078yen
Potetofurai(皮付きポテトフライ)Poteto fries748yen
Torikawaageponzu(鶏皮揚げポン酢)Fried chicken skin with ponzu sauce748yen
Nankotukaraage(鶏なんこつの唐揚げ)Fried chicken cartilage748yen
Takonokaraage(タコの唐揚げ)Fried octopus858yen

The closing dish is an essential part of each meal. Because of this, we prepare them proudly.

Yakionigiri(焼きおにぎり)Grilled rice balls308yen
Tamagokakegohan(YTKG-山鶏の卵かけご飯)Egg fried rice693yen
Oyakodon(〆の親子丼)Charcoal grilled oyakodon858yen
Toriramen(鶏白湯ラーメン)Chicken ramen noodles638yen
Totidashichazuke(鶏だし茶づけ-わさび・明太子)Chicken Dashi Chazuke693yen
Torikamameshi(鶏釜飯)chicken pot rice1,452yen
Torisuupu(鶏スープ)Shamo soup275yen

Ice cream and assorted fruits whose selections varies according to the season. On anniversaries we provide a dessert plate.
Today’s ice cream330yen〜

There is also a recommended menu for the day. Please feel free to ask the staff.
Prices are exclusive of tax.

Skewer specialty store, Yamadori 113-0034, Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku,
Yushima 3-38-10 Honey Buildings(hani bird) 3F
Open:17:00-24:00 (last order 23:00)
seating capacity:27
To the secretary!! We are accepting plans for groups such as banquets!! We also have private plans for more than 20 people, such as banquets, second parties, year-end parties, new year parties, welcome parties, etc. For banquet plans such as course menus and menus that allow you to consult the amount of money, you can also consult each time. Please consult us once!!